This case study details the product design of Polygence, a mentorship platform primarily for high school students. Polygence connects students to mentors using their interests and a proprietary algorithm. In the platform, students can message their mentor, share resources, and schedule new sessions. Students typically conduct a research project that helps them with college admissions.
This particular study with 7 mentors and 5 students was geared towards understanding needs with respect to a new product we were designing called Pathfinders. Pathfinders is a product for students who are less certain of their interests, and want to explore options with mentors from different fields. The data and insights helped us make product decisions and influenced the overall requirements of the product.
When I joined Polygence I led a rebrand. We went for a more simple monochromatic emblem, simple shapes, playful and readable typography, and glassmorphism. Rounded corners emphasize a fun and friendly product for students.